

An Inconvenient Truth

After my previous posting on energy I searched for some more figures on energy consumption. I wanted to get a rough idea of the energy consumption of families (in The Netherlands). So I looked for the figures for energy consumption per year of gas, electricity and petrol.

An average car drives 13000 km/year. With an efficiency of 15 km/l the total usage of petrol is 866 l/year. The energy (more correct heating value) of one liter of petrol is 35 MJ, which is equal to 9.7 kWh/l. The average energy consumption of a car is thus 8400 kWh/year.

An average Dutch family uses 1600 m3 natural gas a year. The heating value of Dutch natural gas is 32 MJ/m3, which is equal to 8.9 kWh/m3. The average energy consumption on gas is thus 14200 kWh/year.

An average Dutch family uses 3300 kWh/year electricity. However, this is the net usage. Power plants have an efficiency of nearly 60%. The gross usage is thus 5500 kWh/year.

The total power consumption of those three resources is 28100 kWh/year, with a distribution of 30% petrol, 50 % gas and 20% electricity.

What do we save if we replace a 60 W electrical bulbs by an energy saving 10 W CFL? The saving is 50 W * 3 hours/day * 365 days = 55 kWh/year net, or 92 kWh/year gross. This is only 0.3% of the total energy consumption of a family! I think we're often not focusing on the right topics for energy saving.

Note, that I assume there is only 1 car per family. The current figure is already somewhere between 1.0 and 1.1 car per family. I also do not take care of the energy loss due to transport and refineries.


sander, hoe gaat het met je?
hier alles goed na een lekker weekje weg

tot snel weer eens,

Ehm... met als bron Wikipedia..? Nou ik draai mijn spaarlampje er niet uit hoor Hoe zit dat eigenlijk met motoren dan? :o)

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