


When people visited my place for the first time they often asked me 'where is yours?', 'don't you have one?'. My daughter frequently asked for it. I had one, but I didn't like it and kept it on the attic. So finally I bought a new one. A totem in the center of my living. Regularly, about once a day, we sit down in front of it, e.g. to watch a nature film. My daughter likes them.

She likes polar bears very much. Lately she saw a lion having a zebra for diner. 'Daddy, why is he eating the zebra?' 'Well, lions eat a lot of meat. They hunt animals like zebras.' There was fear in her eyes. 'In the zoo. Do they also eat them in the zoo?' Fear that there are not that many zebras in the zoo. She was delighted that the lions in the zoo get their meat from the butcher's.

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